10 Dec Le Cave di Arzo non sono ferme, anzi…! – of Mirella De Paris – Andata e Ritorno RSI Rete Uno 14.07.2015

We will talk, sit together with the guests in the beautiful natural amphitheater between the majestic marble walls, about the project that involves the recovery and enhancement of the Arzo quarries.
The beginning of the mining activity in the quarries dates back to around 1300. The Rossi family, the last to carry out this activity for six generations, had unfortunately to cease in 2009 the extraction and processing of marble.
The project, which for the enhancement of the site involves three interventions, namely the Aula nella cava; the Educational Path; the naturalistic Amphitheater is promoted by the Arzo Patriciate.
Guests of the episode of Andata e Ritorno (RSI-Rete1):
Enrico Sassi, architect, responsible for the recovery
and enhancement project of the Arzo Quarries
Fabio Masdonati, Group coordinator of Arzo Scultura
Diego Allio, member of the Arzo Patriciate
Giuliano Greco, biologist OIKOS 2000
Listen to the radio broadcast – Andata e Ritorno RSI Rete Uno 14.07.2015