10 Dec Il Giardino Sensoriale a Millevoci – by Nicola Colotti – RSI/Rete1 12.09.2013

It is the fruitful collaboration between Pro-Senectute Ticino e Moesano and the Rotary Club Mendrisiotto that develops the project and the realization of a sensory garden in the open space of the therapeutic day center for the elderly people of Balerna.
It is about making suitable for people affected by senile dementia, an old garden not currently accessible by the elderly who visit the Balerna Center. Like other sensory gardens that already exist in homes for medicalized elderly people, Balerna is an open but safe place that allows visitors to orient themselves and “feel” the space around them. Structures like these are the symbol of a change in our society, which sees the rapid elderly population grow and its needs.
A population that should not remain “locked up” in places without … meaning, but remain integrated – as long as possible – in social life and its physical spaces, often uncomfortable for the elderly. Spaces that are also cultural because they question our relationship with the elderly and the difficulties of old age.
Listen to the interview – RSI Rete 1 12.09.2013
By Nicola Colotti, guests: Enrico Sassi -architetto, project author-, Gabriele Fattorini -director of Pro-Senectute Ticino e Moesano-, William Pertoldi – geriatric of Forum Alzheimer, Daphne Settimo -communication promotion manager FTIA (Federazione Ticinese Integrazione Andicap)– (emission: 12/09/2013).